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Ordinance (2017:819) on financial compensation to participants in labor market activities.

Main Region

First Region

Employment policy, promotion of employment and employment services
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Förordning (2017:819) om ersättning till deltagare i arbetsmarknadspolitiska insatser.
Provides for regulations regarding financial compensation to participants in labor market activities.

Contains 12 chapters concerning, inter alia:

Chapter 1: Preliminary provisions.
Chapter 2: Compensation for participation in programs.
- Activity support.
- Development compensation.
- Establishment compensation.
Chapter 3: Compensation for certain costs.
- Compensation for travel, lodging and double occupancy and some other expenses.
- Establishment surcharge.
- Housing allowance.
Chapter 4: Compensation for preventing participation in programs.
Chapter 5: Coordination with other benefits.
Chapter 6: Warning and suspension from right to compensation.
Chapter 7: Interim decisions and set-offs.
Chapter 8: Refund and recovery.
Chapter 9: Obligation to inform.
- For the Public Employment Service.
- For the Insurance Fund.
- For the Swedish Tax Agency.
Chapter 10: Application for and review of compensation cases.
- Application for compensation.
- Calculation of compensation.
- Payment of compensation.
- Investigations.
Chapter 11: Review and appeal.
- Insurance Agency's decision.
- Public Employment Service's decision.
Chapter 12: Authorizations.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

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