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Regulations of the Ministry of Finance and Social Security Ministry of August 2018 to amend the Regulations on the attribution of an allowance for Turkish citizens 65 years and older who need assistance, or are poor and homeless, as well as Turkish citizens with disabilities needing assistance.

Main Region

First Region

Social security (general standards)
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

65 Yaşını Doldurmuş Muhtaç, Güçsüz ve Kimsesiz Türk Vatandaşları ile Engelli ve Muhtaç Türk Vatandaşlarına Aylık Bağlanması Hakkında Yönetmelikte Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik
It amends various provisions of the Regulations: para 1 (a) of article 2 (conditions to obtain the attribution of the allowance); it repeals para 1 (g) of article 4 and adds a new para (d) after para (ç) (per capita income); it replaces the word "disabled" by "for people with disabilities" mentioned in para 5 (a) of article 5 and replaces the words "para 1 (b)" with "para 1 (c)";
It amends paragraph 1 of Article 7, subparagraph (b) of paragraph 2 has been repealed, subparagraph (d) of the second paragraph has been amended and a new paragraph has been added to the second paragraph, para 8 has been amended; the following paragraphs have been amended accordingly and and the phrase "inside the household" of paragraph 9 was removed from the text; it repeals the word "three" from para 3 of article 9; it repeals the last sentence of para 5 of article 11 and amends para 1 (g), (ğ) and (h) (payment of salary and alimony); amends para 1 and 2 of article 13 of the regulations (conditions for disability pension); it adds a new para 3 to article 14 (calculation of the amounts to be reimbursed in case of cessation of the pension); adds after the word "Ministry" the words "or Association" of para 3 of article 16; it repeals the sentence "Without prejudice to the rights of alimony"; it repeals the temporary article 1 of the regulatoins; it adds a temporary article 4 (procedures for archiving.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Resmi Gazete
    No. 30514