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Act of 4th October 2018 on employee capital plans (Dz. U. no 2215)

Main Region

First Region

Old-age, invalidity and survivors benefit
Law, Act

Second Region

Ustawa z dnia 4 października 2018 r. o pracowniczych planach kapitałowych
Chapter 1. General provisions
Chapter 2. Agreement on management of the Employee Capital Plans
Chapter 3. Agreement on leading the Employee Capital Plans
Chapter 4. Contributions to the Employee Capital Plans
Chapter 5. Welcome payment and annual additional payment to the Employee Capital Plans
Chapter 6. Investment and pension funds, where the funds of the Employee Capital Plans are accumulated
Chapter 7. Management cost of the Employee Capital Plans
Chapter 8. Surveillance on the Employee Capital Plans functioning
Chapter 9. Appointed financial institution
Chapter 10. Record of the Employee Capital Plans
Chapter 11. Employee Capital Plans Portal
Chapter 12. Distribution of funds in case of divorce or
annulment of marriage
Chapter 13. Distribution of funds in case of death of the Employee Capital Plans participant
Chapter 14. Mergers and liquidation of the investment and pension funds, in which resources of the Employee Capital Plans are invested, as well as management takeover of such funds
Chapter 15. Disposing of funds from the Employee Capital Plans, transfer payment and funds return upon request of the participant of Employee Capital Plans
Chapter 16. Penal provisions
Chapter 17. Changes in regulations
Chapter 18. Final and transitional provisions

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Dziennik Ustaw
    no 2215