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Legislation finder - Iceland
Iceland; Law, Act
Act on Equal Treatment on the Labour Market, No. 86/2018. (
Lög um jafna meðferð á vinnumarkaði
Adopted on: 2018-06-11; Date of entry into force: 2018-09-01 | Date of gradual entry into force: 2019-07-01
Iceland; Law, Act
Act amending the Act on Foreigners, No. 80/2016 (deferral of legal effect etc.), Law No. 17/2017. (
Lög um breytingu á lögum um útlendinga, nr. 80/2016 (frestun réttaráhrifa o.fl.)., Lög nr. 17/2017
Adopted on: 2017-04-06
Iceland; Law, Act
Law amending the Social Security Act, No. 100/2007, as amended (correction), No. 9/2017. (
Lög um breytingu á lögum um almannatryggingar, nr. 100/2007, með síðari breytingum (leiðrétting).
Adopted on: 2017-02-28
Iceland; Law, Act
Act amending the Act on Foreigners, No. 80/2016 (suspension of legal effect), Law No. 124/2016.
Adopted on: 2016-12-29; Date of entry into force: 2017-01-01
Iceland; Law, Act
Act amending the Act on the Affairs of People with Disabilities, No. 59/1992 and the Act on Working Environment, Health and Safety in Workplaces, No. 46/1980 (Extension of Contracts for Personal Assistance Services and Parliamentary Decree), No. 128/2016.
Adopted on: 2016-12-22
Iceland; Law, Act
Act amending the Act on the Pension Fund for Civil Servants, No. 1/1997, as amended (amending Section A of the Fund), No. 127/2016. (
Lög um breytingu á lögum um Lífeyrissjóð starfsmanna ríkisins, nr. 1/1997, með síðari breytingum (breyting á A-deild sjóðsins)
Adopted on: 2016-12-22
Iceland; Law, Act
Act on Housing Benefits, No. 75/2016 (
Lög um húsnæðisbætur
Adopted on: 2016-06-16
Iceland; Law, Act
Act on Foreigners, No. 80/2016. (
Lög um útlendinga, nr. 80/2016
Adopted on: 2016-06-02; Date of entry into force: 2017-01-01
Iceland; Law, Act
Act amending the Act on Health Insurance, No. 112/2008 , as amended (the maximum payments insurance, and management services), No. 77/2016.
Adopted on: 2016-06-02; Date of entry into force: 2017-05-01
Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Malta; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Republic of Moldova; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia ; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Türkiye; Ukraine; United Kingdom; Uzbekistan; Miscellaneous (circular, directive, legal notice, instruction, etc.)
Action plan for the health sector response to HIV in the WHO European Region (2016-2021).
Adopted on: 2016
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