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Law N° 100(I) of 2012 amending the Aliens and Immigration Law by transposing Parliament and Council Directive 2009/52/EC of 18 June 2009 providing for minimum standards on sanctions and measures against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals (Amendment N° 2)

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Migrant workers
Law, Act

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In view of transposing Directive 2009/52/EC (of 18 June 2009 providing for minimum standards on sanctions and measures against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals) the Law amends articles 2 and 18NZ of the Aliens and Immigration Law and supplements the following new articles:
- article 18R, determining the scope of application of articles 18RA to 18S, related to the employment of illegally staying third-country nationals;
- article 18RA, providing for the definition of the following terms: "employment", "remuneration of illegally staying third-country nationals", "particularly exploitative working conditions", "temporary work agency", "employer", "legal person", "Directive 2009/52/EC", "illegal employment", "illegally staying third-country national", "subcontractor" and "third-country national";
- article 18RB, prohibiting the illegal employment of illegally staying third-country nationals;
- article 18RC, specifying the obligations on employers;
- article 18RD, related to administrative sanctions;
- article 18RE, ordering back payments to be made by employers;
- article 18RST, regulating other measures;
- article 18RZ, regulating the subcontracting;
- article 18RH, defining the criminal penalties punishing criminal offenses;
- article 18R, adjusting the facilitation of complaints;
- and article 18S, regarding the inspections and the reporting to the European Commission.

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    Serial title
    Epissimi Efimeris
    Part I(I)
    N° 4344
    Page range
    pp. 1266-1279