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Law N° 4305/2014 on, amongst other, the creation or abolishment of positions, on placement, rotation and transfer of employees and on financing-related and financial issues falling upon the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare.
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Employment policy, promotion of employment and employment services
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Second Region
Article 20 sets an exclusive time-period for the conclusion of emergency personnel contracts.
Article 21 amends subparagraph Z2, paragraph Z of Law N° 4093/2013 concerning the lifting of the suspension regime.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 22 amend article 90 of Law N° 4172/2013 concerning the creation or abolishment of positions as well as the rotation in the suspension regime. Paragraph 3 amends case 4 of subparagraph Z1, paragraph Z of article 1 of Law N° 4093/2012, as amended by paragraph 2 of article 91 of Law N° 4172/2013 and supplemented by paragraph 7 of article 54 of Law N° 4178/2013 and article 12 of Law N° 4210/2013, and amended by paragraph 1 of article 44 of Law N° 4238/2014, concerning the creation of positions, the transfer, positioning and placement rotation, the skills required for appointment, as well as the vacancies filling procedure conducted by order of priority by the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP). Paragraph 5 amends paragraph 2 of article 48 of Law N° 4262/2014 regarding the positioning and transfer of employees being under suspension regime and participating in mobility processes.
Article 24 regulates the recognition of previous service of the Citizens' Service Centres (KEP) employees.
Article 26 amends paragraph 1 of article 51 and paragraph 1 of article 53 of the Code of Conduct of Public Administrative Employees (Law N° 3528/2007), as well as paragraph 1 of article 58 and paragraph 1 of article 60 of the Code of Conduct of Municipal and Community Employees (Law N° 3584/2007), concerning the granting of parental leaves for the purposes of hospitalization and breeding of minor children.
Article 29 supplements the Code of Conduct of Public Administrative Employees (Law N° 3528/2007) and the Code of Conduct of Municipal and Community Employees (Law N° 3584/2007) with a new special disciplinary offense.
Article 30 amends case d, paragraph 2, article 54 of Law N° 4178/2013 concerning the determination of required skills and certificates for the filling of vacancies of organic units as well as the competences and duties attached to those units.
Paragraph 1 of article 33 abolishes the positions in personam, by prohibiting the appointment or recruitment of permanent personnel or under private-law open-ended labor contracts personnel in public services, public entities and Local Authorities (OTA) when there is no vacancy in organic positions. Paragraph 2 allows exceptions.
Article 52 regulates the Special Contribution of Solidarity to natural persons defined in article 29 of Law N° 3986/2011.
Article 54 introduces provisions falling upon the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare, regarding the settlement of debts owed to the Social Security Agencies.
Article 55 introduces further provisions of the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare, adjusting financial issues; supplements case 1, subparagraph IA2, paragraph IA of article 1 of Law N° 4254/2014, regarding the payment procedure of subsidies, restitutions, subventions and loan granting of several agencies, and regulates the cross-checking method conducted by the E-Governance in Social Security (HDIKA AE).
Article 59 regulates the appointment in permanent personnel vacant organic positions and in positions in personam of the National Centre of Social Solidarity.
Article 60 abolishes the positions in personam and defines the placement of employees in vacant organic positions, in case of parallel coverage of both aforementioned services.
Entry dates region
Date of entry into force
Amended Text region
Amended text(s)
2007-02-09 (GRC-2007-L-81308)
Law No. 3528 of 2007, ratifying the Code of Conduct for Public Administrative Employees.
Amended text(s)
2012-11-12 (GRC-2012-L-99876)
Law N°4093/2012 approving the medium-term fiscal strategy 2013-2016 and introducing emergency measures implementing Law N° 4046/2012 and the medium-term fiscal strategy 2013-2016.
Amended text(s)
2013-07-23 (GRC-2013-L-100462)
Law N° 4172/2013 adjusts the income taxation and introduces emergency measures for the purposes of implementing Laws N° 4046/2012, 4093/2012 and 4127/2013.
Amended text(s)
2013-11-21 (GRC-2013-L-100526)
Law N° 4210/2013 introducing adjustments falling under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of E-Governance, amending Law N° 3528/2007 ratifying the Code of Conduct for Public Administrative Employees and other provisions.
Amended text(s)
2014-02-17 (GRC-2014-L-100566)
Law N° 4238/2014 on the National Primary Health Care Network (PEDY), on the change of scope of the Greek National Health Service (EOPYY) and other provisions.
Amended text(s)
2014-04-07 (GRC-2014-L-100568)
Law N° 4254/2014 on measures for the support and development of the Greek Economy and other provisions.
Amending Text region
Amending text(s)
2015-05-11 (GRC-2015-L-102264)
Law N° 4325 of 2015 on the democratisation of Administration, on combating bureaucracy, the E-Governance, the reparation of injustice and other provisions.
Amending text(s)
2015-08-14 (GRC-2015-L-102287)
Law N° 4336 of 2015 introducing pension provisions, ratifying the Financial Assistance Facility Agreement (FFA) launched under the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) framework and regulating the implementation of the Financing Agreement (MoU).
Amending text(s)
2016-12-02 (GRC-2016-L-104617)
Law N° 4440 of 2016 on the Unified Mobility System in Public Administration and Local Authorities, on the obligations of persons appointed in the positions set out in articles 6 and 8 of the Law N° 4369 of 2016, on professional incompatibility and on prevention of cases of conflict of interest and other provisions.
Related Text region
Related text(s)
1994-03-01 (GRC-1994-L-38548)
Loi no 2190 du 1 mars 1994 instituant une autorité indépendante, responsable de la sélection du personnel et du règlement de problèmes administratifs.
Related text(s)
1998-09-24 (GRC-1998-L-54421)
Loi no 2643 du 24 septembre 1998, relative à l'emploi de personnes des catégories spécifiques et autres dispositions.
Related text(s)
2011-10-27 (GRC-2011-L-89634)
Law No. 4024 of 2011 concerning issues of retirement pensions, of unified wage system - grading system, employment reserves and other provisions concerning the mid-term framework of fiscal strategy 2012-2015.
Related text(s)
2013-05-09 (GRC-2013-L-100449)
Law N° 4152/2013 enacting emergency measures for the application of Laws N° 3919/2011, 4093/2012 and 4127/2013.
Electronic region
Electronic source title
Text in Greek
Ethniko Tipografio
Place of publication
Page range
pp. 7499-7538
GRC100585 Grk.pdf (PDF of Official Gazette in Greek)
Serial region
Serial title
Efimeris tis Kivernisseos
Part A'
N° 237
Page range
pp. 7499-7538