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Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act (GSVG) (No. 560/1978).
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Social security (general standards)
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Second Region
Original title
Gewerblichen Sozialversicherungsgesetzes
A federal Act respecting the social insurance of self-employed persons engaged in small-scale industry. Repeals all previous provisions on the pension and sickness insurance of self-employed pensions engaged in small-scale industry.
The GSVG regulates the statutory health and pension insurance cover of most self-employed and independent entrepreneurs in Austria (with the exception of farmers). This includes:
- Traders who are members of a chamber of commerce
- Personally liable shareholders of limited partnerships
- Shareholders of acquiring companies
- Shareholders appointed to executive posts in limited companies (the company must be registered with a chamber of commerce)
¿ ¿Newly self-employed persons¿ without a trading licence (such as authors, freelance journalists)
The GSVG also regulates the health insurance of persons who receive pensions under this law. Accident insurance cover is provided to self-employed commercial traders in accordance with the provisions of the ASVG. Statutory insurance cover per the GSVG is provided by the Sozialversicherungsanstalt der gewerblichen Wirtschaft (SVA). For more information on the commencement and termination of statutory insurance cover and the persons covered by this insurance, please contact your statutory insurance provider.
Amending Text region
Amending text(s)
1982-12-10 (AUT-1982-L-10433)
Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) (Amendment) Act. Text No. 648.
Amending text(s)
1982-12-10 (AUT-1982-L-10433)
Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) (Amendment) Act. Text No. 648.
Amending text(s)
1982-12-10 (AUT-1982-L-10434)
Farmers' Social Insurance (Amendment) Act (Text No. 6). Text No. 649.
Amending text(s)
1981-05-20 (AUT-1981-L-11126)
Social Insurance Small-Scale Industry) (Amendment) Act (No. 4). Text No. 283.
Amending text(s)
1981-05-20 (AUT-1981-L-11126)
Social Insurance Small-Scale Industry) (Amendment) Act (No. 4). Text No. 283.
Amending text(s)
1980-12-15 (AUT-1980-L-11484)
Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) (Amendment) Act (No. 3). Text No. 586.
Amending text(s)
1980-12-15 (AUT-1980-L-11484)
Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) (Amendment) Act (No. 3). Text No. 586.
Amending text(s)
1979-12-04 (AUT-1979-L-12430)
Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) (Amendment) Act (No. 2). Text No. 531.
Amending text(s)
1979-12-04 (AUT-1979-L-12430)
Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) (Amendment) Act (No. 2). Text No. 531.
Amending text(s)
1980-12-15 (AUT-1980-L-13272)
Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) (Amendment) Act (No.3). Text No. 585.
Amending text(s)
1980-12-15 (AUT-1980-L-13272)
Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) (Amendment) Act (No.3). Text No. 585.
Amending text(s)
1991-12-27 (AUT-1991-L-28975)
Federal Act amending the Trade and Industry Social Insurance Act (18th Act amending the Trade and Industry Social Insurance Act) (Text No. 677)
Amending text(s)
1991-12-27 (AUT-1991-L-28975)
Federal Act amending the Trade and Industry Social Insurance Act (18th Act amending the Trade and Industry Social Insurance Act) (Text No. 677)
Amending text(s)
1994-01-11 (AUT-1994-L-37810)
Federal Act to amend the Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act.
Amending text(s)
1994-01-11 (AUT-1994-L-37810)
Federal Act to amend the Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act.
Amending text(s)
1996-10-31 (AUT-1996-L-45351)
Act amending the General Social Insurance Act, the Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act, the Farmer's Social Insurance Act, the Public Servants' Sickness and Accident Insurance Act, the Continued Payment of Remuneration Act, the Unemployment Insurance Act 1977, the Income Tax Act 1988, and the Act on the Imposition of a Housing Promotion Contribution (Text No. 600).
Amending text(s)
1996-10-31 (AUT-1996-L-45351)
Act amending the General Social Insurance Act, the Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act, the Farmer's Social Insurance Act, the Public Servants' Sickness and Accident Insurance Act, the Continued Payment of Remuneration Act, the Unemployment Insurance Act 1977, the Income Tax Act 1988, and the Act on the Imposition of a Housing Promotion Contribution (Text No. 600).
Amending text(s)
1996-08-20 (AUT-1996-L-45662)
Act amending the Act on Social Security in the Trades (BGBl No. 560/1978).
Amending text(s)
1996-08-20 (AUT-1996-L-45662)
Act amending the Act on Social Security in the Trades (BGBl No. 560/1978).
Amending text(s)
1996-12-30 (AUT-1996-L-46033)
Social Law Amendment Act (Text No. 764).
Amending text(s)
1996-12-30 (AUT-1996-L-46033)
Social Law Amendment Act (Text No. 764).
Amending text(s)
1997-12-29 (AUT-1997-L-49577)
Act amending Labour and Social Law 1997 (ASRÄG 1997). No. 139.
Amending text(s)
1997-12-29 (AUT-1997-L-49577)
Act amending Labour and Social Law 1997 (ASRÄG 1997). No. 139.
Amending text(s)
1997-06-30 (AUT-1997-L-50606)
Civil Servants Employment (Amendment No. 1) Act [1. BDG-Novelle 1997]. No. 61.
Amending text(s)
1997-06-30 (AUT-1997-L-50606)
Civil Servants Employment (Amendment No. 1) Act [1. BDG-Novelle 1997]. No. 61.
Amending text(s)
1998-08-18 (AUT-1998-L-51031)
Act amending the Act on Social Security for the Trades. No. 139.
Amending text(s)
1998-08-18 (AUT-1998-L-51031)
Act amending the Act on Social Security for the Trades. No. 139.
Amending text(s)
1999-01-12 (AUT-1999-L-51645)
Act to amend social security legislation (SRÄG 1998). No. 16.
Amending text(s)
1999-01-12 (AUT-1999-L-51645)
Act to amend social security legislation (SRÄG 1998). No. 16.
Amending text(s)
2000-08-11 (AUT-2000-L-58709)
Federal Law to amend the General Social Insurance Law, the Industrial Social Insurance Law, the Farmers Social Insurance law, the Civil Servants Sickness and Accident Insurance Law, the Unemployment Insurance Law 1977, the Labour Market Financing Law, and the Labour Market Promotion Law (Sozialrechts-Änderungsgesetz - SRÄG 2000).
Amending text(s)
2000-08-11 (AUT-2000-L-58709)
Federal Law to amend the General Social Insurance Law, the Industrial Social Insurance Law, the Farmers Social Insurance law, the Civil Servants Sickness and Accident Insurance Law, the Unemployment Insurance Law 1977, the Labour Market Financing Law, and the Labour Market Promotion Law (Sozialrechts-Änderungsgesetz - SRÄG 2000).
Amending text(s)
1999-08-19 (AUT-1999-L-59117)
Act amending the Employment Services Act, the Labour Market Promotion Act, the 1977 Unemployment Insurance Act, the Labour Market Financing Act, the Labour Contract Conformity Act, the General Social Insurance Act, the Trade and Industry Insurance Act, and the Farmers' Social Insurance Act (No. 179).
Amending text(s)
1999-08-19 (AUT-1999-L-59117)
Act amending the Employment Services Act, the Labour Market Promotion Act, the 1977 Unemployment Insurance Act, the Labour Market Financing Act, the Labour Contract Conformity Act, the General Social Insurance Act, the Trade and Industry Insurance Act, and the Farmers' Social Insurance Act (No. 179).
Amending text(s)
1999-06-24 (AUT-1999-L-59124)
Act amending Trade and Industry Insurance Act (No. 86).
Amending text(s)
1999-06-24 (AUT-1999-L-59124)
Act amending Trade and Industry Insurance Act (No. 86).
Amending text(s)
2011-12-06 (AUT-2011-L-90198)
Federal Act to amend the General Social Insurance Act, the Industrial Social Insurance Law, the Farmers Social Insurance Act, the General Pension Act, the Civil Servants Health and Accident Insurance Act, the Social Security Amendment Act, the Unemployment Insurance Act 1977, the Employment Service Law and the Construction Workers Bad Weather Compensation Act 1957 as amended (Sozialrechts-Änderungsgesetz 2011 (SRÄG 2011)).
Amending text(s)
2011-07-08 (AUT-2011-L-90237)
Federal Act to amend Wage Limitation Act, General Social Security Act 1955, Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act, Farmers' Social Insurance Act, Unemployment Insurance Act 1977 (BGBI. 52/2011).
Amending text(s)
2012-03-27 (AUT-2012-L-93616)
Federal Act Promoting Volunteer Work (Volunteering Law - FreiwG).
Amending text(s)
2012-12-13 (AUT-2012-L-93677)
Federal Act to amend: General Social Security Act, Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act (GSVG), Farmers' Social Insurance Act (BSVG) and Public Servants' Sickness and Accident Insurance Act (B-KUVG).
Amending text(s)
2012-12-28 (AUT-2012-L-93693)
Federal Act to amend: General Social Security Act 1955, Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act, Farmers' Social Insurance Act, Public Servants' Sickness and Accident Insurance Act (Social Insurance Amendment Act - SVÄG 2012).
Amending text(s)
2013-05-28 (AUT-2013-L-95882)
Federal Act to amend: the General Social Security Act, Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act, the Farmer Social Security Act, the General Pensions Act, the Public Servants' Sickness and Accident Insurance Act, the Notary Insurance Act 1972, the Labour and Social Courts Act, the Pensions Act 1965, the Federal Theatre Pension Act and the Federal Railroad Pension Act (Social Security Amendment Act 2013 - SVÄG 2013)
Amending text(s)
2013-07-30 (AUT-2013-L-95936)
Federal Act to amend: General Social Security Act, Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act, Farmers' Social Security Act, Public Servants' Sickness and Accident Insurance Act, Notary Insurance Act 1972, Workers' Severance Pay Act, Unemployment Insurance Act 1977 (2nd Social Security Amendment Act).
Amending text(s)
2013-06-14 (AUT-2013-L-95995)
Federal Act to amend: General Social Security Act 1955, Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act, Farmer Social Security Act, Public Servants' Sickness and Accident Insurance Act, Notary Insurance Act 1972, Federal Act concerning arduous labour at night.
Amending text(s)
2014-04-24 (AUT-2014-L-98816)
Act to amend: General Social Security Act, Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act, Farmers' Social Insurance Act, Public Servants' Sickness and Accident Insurance Act (BGBl. I Nr. 28/2014)
Amending text(s)
2014-08-01 (AUT-2014-L-98821)
Act to amend: General Social Security Act, Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act and Farmers' Social Insurance Act (BGBl. I Nr. 56/2014)
Amending text(s)
2014-04-24 (AUT-2014-L-98831)
The EU patient mobility Act (BGBl. I Nr. 32/2014)
Amending text(s)
2015-01-13 (AUT-2015-L-101851)
Social Security Amendment Act - SVAG (BGBl. I Nr. 2/2015)
Amending text(s)
2015-07-09 (AUT-2015-L-101910)
Compulsory registration amendment Act (BGBl. I Nr. 79/2015)
Amending text(s)
2015-12-28 (AUT-2015-L-101921)
Social Law Amendment Act (BGBl. I Nr. 162/2015)
Amending text(s)
2017-01-17 (AUT-2017-L-106357)
Federal Act to issue Act on Partnership Goal-health targeting (Health Targeting Act G-ZG), as well as to amend: Hospitals and Convalescent Homes Act, General Social Security Act; Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act; Farmers' Social Insurance Act; Public Servants' Sickness and Accident Insurance Act; Doctors Act 1988; Austrian Health LLC Act; Healthcare Documentation Act (Agreement Implementation Act 2017 -VUG 2017) (BGBl I 26/2017)
Amending text(s)
2017-01-18 (AUT-2017-L-106358)
Federal Act to amend: General Social Security Act; Social Insurance Act; Farmers' Social Insurance Act; General Pensions Act; Unemployment Insurance Act 1977; and to issue Old Age Insurance Commission Act (Social Security Amendment Act 2016 – SVÄG 2016)(BGBl I 29/2017)
Amending text(s)
2017-02-02 (AUT-2017-L-106361)
Federal Act to amend: General Social Security Act; Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act; and Farmers' Social Insurance Act (BGBl I 33/2017)
Amending text(s)
2017-08-01 (AUT-2017-L-106383)
Federal Act to amend: General Social Security Act; Social Insurance Act; Farmers' Social Insurance Act; and Income Tax Act 1988 (Social Security Assignment Act - SV-ZG) (BGBl I 125/2017)
Amending text(s)
2017-11-10 (AUT-2017-L-106385)
Federal Act to amend: General Social Security Act; Social Insurance (Small-Scale Industry) Act; Farmers' Social Insurance Act; Pensions Act 1965; Theatre Pension Act; Railway Pensions Act; and Emoluments Act (Pension Adjustment Act 2018 - PAG 2018) (BGBl I 151/2017)
Amending text(s)
2018-12-22 (AUT-2018-L-109159)
Social Insurance Organization Act (BGBl I 100/2018)
Related Text region
Related text(s)
1978-11-30 (AUT-1978-L-93077)
Federal Law on the Statutory Insurance of Self-employed Professionals (Self-Employed Social Security Act - FSVG).
Electronic region
Electronic source title
Act on-line in German
Bundeskanzleramt, Rechtsinformationssystem (RIS)
AUT13064 Ger.pdf (PDF of Act in German as amended to BGBl. I Nr. 76/2012)
Serial region
Serial title