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Act on the Employment of the Population.
Main Region
First Region
Russian Federation
Subjects (Classification)
Employment policy, promotion of employment and employment services
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Second Region
Définit notamment la condition des salariés et des chômeurs, les emplois, "adéquats" et "inadéquats", la politique des autorités en matière d'emploi, les droits et garanties des citoyens en matière d'emploi, la réglementation de l'emploi, les conditions d'indemnisation en cas de licenciement, d'octroi de bourses en cas de recyclage ou de stages de formation professionnelle et celles régissant les allocations chômage.
Implementing Text region
Implementing text(s)
2008-12-08 (RUS-2008-R-81098)
Governmental Decree No. 915 of 8 December 2008 on the minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment allowances in 2009.
Implementing text(s)
2022-11-30 (RUS-2022-R-116039)
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2181 of 30 November 2022 on the accreditation of private employment agencies for the right to carry out activities to provide labor to workers (personnel).
Amending Text region
Amending text(s)
1992-07-15 (RUS-1992-L-34796)
Act No. 3307-I to amend and supplement the Act on Employment of the Population of 1991.
Amending text(s)
1996-04-20 (RUS-1996-L-44925)
Act No. 36-FZ of 20 April 1996 to amend and supplement the Act on the Employment of the Population of 1991. (Text No. 1915).
Amending text(s)
2000-08-07 (RUS-2000-L-58665)
Act of 19 April 1991 on the Employment of the population, as amended to 2000 (text as amended to 2 July 2013).
Amending text(s)
2013-07-02 (RUS-2013-L-96106)
Law No. 162-FZ of 2 July 2013 to Amend the Law of the Russian Federation "On Population Employment in Russian Federation" and Certain Legal Acts.
Amending text(s)
2017-12-29 (RUS-2017-L-106601)
Federal Law No. 476-FZ of 29 December 2017 to Amend the Law "On the Employment of the Population".
Amending text(s)
2017-07-29 (RUS-2017-L-106603)
Federal Law No. 235-FZ of 29 July 2017 to Amend the Law "On Employment of the Population".
Amending text(s)
2017-05-01 (RUS-2017-L-106607)
Federal Law No. 89-FZ of 1 May 2017 to Amend Federal Law "On Employment of the Population" and Article 9 of Federal Law "On Additional Guarantees for Social Assistance of Children-Orphans and Children Left without Parental Care".
Amending text(s)
2018-12-11 (RUS-2018-L-109555)
Federal Law No. 461-FZ of 11 December 2018 to Amend Article 23 of the Law "On the Employment of the Population” and Articles 52 and 60.1 of the Law ‘On State Civil Service’ Aimed at Improvement of the Rotation Mechanism of State Civil Servants.
Amending text(s)
2018-06-03 (RUS-2018-L-109556)
Federal Law No. 190-FZ of 3 June 2018 to Amend the Law "On the Employment of the Population” with Regard to Improve the Mechanism Increasing Labor Recourses Mobility.
Amending text(s)
2023-12-12 (RUS-2023-L-116040)
Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 565-FZ of 12 December 2023 on employment.
Related Text region
Related text(s)
2000-10-03 (RUS-2000-R-57826)
Government Decree No. 747 of 3 October 2000 to approve the Regulations on licence of activity relating to assistance for the employment of the population (Text No. 4086).
Electronic region
Electronic source title
Legislation from CIS Countries in Russian
Russian Federation
PDF available on demand. Kindly contact us via the email provided in the footer.
Monograph region
Monograph title
Printed Separately in Russian
Consolidated text to amendments No. 11-FZ of 23/02/2013
F1014906211/RUS44925 Rus.pdf (PDF of Act in Russian as consolidated to 23/02/2013)
Serial region
Serial title
Ekonimika i jizn'
No. 22
Page range
p. 18-20