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Law No. 67 amending the Human Resources Development Promotion Law (Law No. 64 of 1969).
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Education, vocational guidance and training
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Second Region
The State and prefectures shall give necessary support including information and documents to employers and workers. The "basic training", "upgrading training" and "ability redevelopment training" divisions shall be abolished in order to secure various opportunities for human resources development. The name "vocational training center" shall be replaced by "human resources development center".
Entry dates region
Date of entry into force
Amended Text region
Amended text(s)
1969-07-18 (JPN-1969-L-27221)
Human Resources Development Promotion Law [Law No. 64 of 18 July 1969].
Amended text(s)
1974-12-28 (JPN-1974-L-27771)
Employment Insurance Law (Law No. 116 of 1974).
Amended text(s)
1974-12-28 (JPN-1974-L-27771)
Employment Insurance Law (Law No. 116 of 1974).
Amended text(s)
1971-05-25 (JPN-1971-L-27773)
Law Concerning Stabilization of Employment of Older Persons [Law No. 68 of 25 May 1971].
Amended text(s)
1971-05-25 (JPN-1971-L-27773)
Law Concerning Stabilization of Employment of Older Persons [Law No. 68 of 25 May 1971].
Amended text(s)
1959-04-15 (JPN-1959-L-27778)
Minimum Wages Law [Law No. 137 of 15 April 1959].
Amended text(s)
1959-04-15 (JPN-1959-L-27778)
Minimum Wages Law [Law No. 137 of 15 April 1959].
Amended text(s)
1947-11-30 (JPN-1947-L-27781)
Employment Security Law [Law No. 141 of 30 November 1947].
Amended text(s)
1960-07-25 (JPN-1960-L-27786)
Promotion of the Employment of Persons with Disabilities Law (Law No. 123 of 25 July 1960).
Amended text(s)
1960-07-25 (JPN-1960-L-27786)
Promotion of the Employment of Persons with Disabilities Law (Law No. 123 of 25 July 1960).
Amended text(s)
1983-05-17 (JPN-1983-L-27788)
Special Measures Law for Employment Security for Workers in Specified Depressed Industries [Law No. 39 of 17 May 1983 as amended through Law No. 67 of 3 June 1992]
Amended text(s)
1983-05-17 (JPN-1983-L-27788)
Special Measures Law for Employment Security for Workers in Specified Depressed Industries [Law No. 39 of 17 May 1983 as amended through Law No. 67 of 3 June 1992]
Serial region
Serial title
No. 75
Page range
pp. 5-8