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Proclamation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy to publish a consolidated reprint of the order [of 29 January 1990] of the Council of Ministers concerning amounts and calculation basis of social security benefits, social security reporting, and accounting for social security contributions and payments (Text No. 330).
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Administration and financing
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Miscellaneous (circular, directive, legal notice, instruction, etc.)
Second Region
Provides that social security contributions are payable by the worker at a 45% rate, the remainder being borne by the employer. The worker's contribution may by decreased by 7 % in case of partuculary arduous working conditions. Also applicable to certain other categories of persons such as self-employed workers, lawers, artists, diplomats, etc.
Entry dates region
Date of entry into force
Basic Text region
Basic text(s)
1989-07-15 (POL-1989-L-8896)
Proclamation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy to publish a consolidated reprint of the act [of 18 December 1976] on social security of persons engaged in a gainful activity and of members of their families (Text No. 250).
Basic text(s)
1989-07-15 (POL-1989-L-8896)
Proclamation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy to publish a consolidated reprint of the act [of 18 December 1976] on social security of persons engaged in a gainful activity and of members of their families (Text No. 250).
Basic text(s)
1982-12-14 (POL-1982-L-10639)
Act on retirement pension schemes for workers and their families (Text No. 267).
Basic text(s)
1982-12-14 (POL-1982-L-10639)
Act on retirement pension schemes for workers and their families (Text No. 267).
Basic text(s)
1982-09-16 (POL-1982-L-10842)
Act respecting workers employed in State institutions.
Basic text(s)
1982-09-16 (POL-1982-L-10842)
Act respecting workers employed in State institutions.
Basic text(s)
1975-06-12 (POL-1975-L-18616)
Act on benefits due in case of employment accident or occupational desease (Text No. 105).
Basic text(s)
1991-10-17 (POL-1991-L-29504)
Act to adjust retirement pensions and old-age benefits, to lay down specific rules to determine retirement pensions and old-age benefits, and to amend certain other acts (Text No. 450).
Basic text(s)
1991-10-17 (POL-1991-L-29504)
Act to adjust retirement pensions and old-age benefits, to lay down specific rules to determine retirement pensions and old-age benefits, and to amend certain other acts (Text No. 450).
Basic text(s)
1974-06-26 (POL-1974-L-45181)
Labour Code of 26 June 1974 (Dz.U. 1974 Nr 24 poz. 141)
Amended Text region
Amended text(s)
1990-01-29 (POL-1990-R-20860)
Order of the Council of Ministers concerning amounts and calculation basis of social security contributions, social security reporting and accounting for social security contributions and benefits (Text No. 41).
Amended text(s)
1990-01-29 (POL-1990-R-20860)
Order of the Council of Ministers concerning amounts and calculation basis of social security contributions, social security reporting and accounting for social security contributions and benefits (Text No. 41).
Repealed Text region
Repealed text(s)
1987-11-09 (POL-1987-R-6043)
Order of the Council of Ministers concerning workers' right to social security and social security contributions (Text No. 211).
Repealed text(s)
1987-11-09 (POL-1987-R-6043)
Order of the Council of Ministers concerning workers' right to social security and social security contributions (Text No. 211).
Serial region
Serial title
Dziennik Ustaw
No 68
Page range
pp. 1382-1392