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Federal Act governing weekly rest periods and rest from work on public holidays (Rest Periods Act - ARG) (BGBl. 1983/144). [Text 25].
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Hours of work, weekly rest and paid leave
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Second Region
Original title
Arbeitsruhegesetz (ARG)
Employees must have a weekly rest period of thirty-six hours without interruption. During that time an employee may only be working under the circumstances provided under section 2, subsection 2 and sections 10 to 18 of this Act, where it is stipulated that only the absolutely indispensable number of employees to maintain the operation of a business can be obligated to work by their employer, with exceptions made for certain special work. The same principles also are valid for public holidays. Consolidated text.
Implementing Text region
Implementing text(s)
1984-01-18 (AUT-1984-R-42251)
Ordinance of the Ministry for Social Administration regarding exceptions from the Act on weekly rest periods and public holidays (Arbeitsruhegesetz-Verordnung (ARG-VO), BGBl. 1984/149). Text 26.
Implementing text(s)
1984-01-18 (AUT-1984-R-42251)
Ordinance of the Ministry for Social Administration regarding exceptions from the Act on weekly rest periods and public holidays (Arbeitsruhegesetz-Verordnung (ARG-VO), BGBl. 1984/149). Text 26.
Amending Text region
Amending text(s)
1997-01-10 (AUT-1997-L-47998)
Act amending the Act regarding rest from work [Text No. 5].
Amending text(s)
1997-01-10 (AUT-1997-L-47998)
Act amending the Act regarding rest from work [Text No. 5].
Amending text(s)
1997-04-24 (AUT-1997-L-49098)
Amendment of the Hours of Work Act and the Act on weekly rest periods and statutory holidays (No. 46).
Amending text(s)
1997-04-24 (AUT-1997-L-49098)
Amendment of the Hours of Work Act and the Act on weekly rest periods and statutory holidays (No. 46).
Amending text(s)
2004-04-27 (AUT-2004-L-67666)
Federal Act amending the Working Time Act and Act on Rest Periods (No. 30 of 2004).
Amending text(s)
2010-12-02 (AUT-2010-L-87423)
Federal Act on employment contracts in Theatrical Sector (Theatre Work Act 2010) (Text No. 100/2010)
Amending text(s)
2008-07-08 (AUT-2008-L-87678)
Federal Act to amend the Federal Act on arrangement of Hours of Work and Act on Rest Periods (BGBl. I Nr. 124/2008).
Amending text(s)
2014-12-16 (AUT-2014-L-98826)
Act to amend: Act on weekly rest, rest periods and statutory holidays (BGBl. I Nr. 91/2014)
Amending text(s)
2015-12-28 (AUT-2015-L-101917)
Labour Law amendment Act (BGBl. I Nr. 152/2015)
Amending text(s)
2016-12-30 (AUT-2016-L-104213)
Federal Act to amend Working Time Act, Rest Periods Act and Workplace Security Act (BGBl I 114/2016).
Amending text(s)
2017-04-12 (AUT-2017-L-106376)
Deregulation Act 2017 (BGBl I 40/2017)
Amending text(s)
2017-08-01 (AUT-2017-L-106384)
Federal Act to amend: Worker Protection Act; Labour Inspection Act 1993; Working Time Act; Rest Periods Act; Maternity Protection Act 1979; General Social Security Act; Public Servants' Sickness and Accident Insurance Act; and Employment Protection Act 1991 (Employee Protection Deregulation Act) (BGBl I 126/2017)
Amending text(s)
2018-08-14 (AUT-2018-L-109147)
Federal Act to amend: Working Time Act; Rest Periods Act ; and General Social Security Act (BGBl I 53/2018)
Related Text region
Related text(s)
2007-06-29 (AUT-2007-L-83866)
Federal law on the care of persons in private Households (Text No. 33).
Electronic region
Electronic source title
Legislation on-line in German
Bundeskanzleramt, Rechtsinformationssystem (RIS)
ERV_1983_144.pdf (PDF Act as amended to 2018 (English/German))
Monograph region
Monograph title
Dittrich, Veit, Tades
Manz Verlag
Place of publication