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Social Code - Book III - Employment Promotion.
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Employment policy, promotion of employment and employment services
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Second Region
Original title
Sozialgesetzbuch - Drittes Buch - Arbeitsförderung (SGB III)
Comprehensive legislation regarding the promotion of employment, vocational training, and employment services. Clarifies, extends and amends existing legislation regarding employment services, vocational training, training of disabled persons, unemployment benefit, assistance during transition between unemployment and employment, and suppression of illegal employment of foreigners. New provisions include training programmes on how to successfully job-search, and a recruitment grant for new businesses. Also provides for an insertion contract, which allows employers to hire an unemployed person for a limited duration during which he or she may be dismissed without justification. Part I forms Book Three of the Social Code (Sozialgesetzbuch).
Entry dates region
Date of entry into force
Implementing Text region
Implementing text(s)
2007-10-09 (DEU-2007-R-86653)
Foreign Graduates Access Regulations (HSchulAbsZugV).
Implementing text(s)
2008-01-15 (DEU-2008-R-86689)
Regulation transferring the power to promulgate Regulations under Book III Social Code to the Board of the Federal Employment Agency.
Implementing text(s)
2008-11-26 (DEU-2008-R-86731)
Ordinance concerning the subscription period for partial unemployment benefits.
Implementing text(s)
2009-01-02 (DEU-2009-R-86737)
Regulation concerning the amount of lump sum for the costs of implementation and examination of employers' insolvency.
Implementing text(s)
2010-09-29 (DEU-2010-R-87018)
Regulation on the collection of migrant background characteristics (Migration background collection Regulation)
Implementing text(s)
2012-12-07 (DEU-2012-R-93405)
Regulation concerning the reference period for the short-time work unemployment benefit.
Implementing text(s)
2014-11-13 (DEU-2014-R-98470)
Second Regulation to amend: Regulation concerning the reference period for the short-time work unemployment benefit
Implementing text(s)
2016-12-10 (DEU-2016-R-104022)
Regulation on the flat-rate net remuneration for short-time work allowance for 2017.
Implementing text(s)
2017-12-19 (DEU-2017-R-106097)
Regulation on the flat-rate net remuneration for short-time work allowance for 2018
Implementing text(s)
2017-12-28 (DEU-2017-R-108163)
Order of the Board of the Federal Employment Agency on the delegation of powers in the field of civil servants' Provisions and Disciplinary rights (BGBl I 3/2018)
Implementing text(s)
2018-12-17 (DEU-2018-R-109093)
Regulation on the flat-rate net remuneration for short-time working for 2019 (BGBl i 46/2018)
Amended Text region
Amended text(s)
1975-12-11 (DEU-1975-L-14378)
Social Code - Book I - General Part.
Amended text(s)
1995-02-03 (DEU-1995-L-41048)
Notification of the consolidation of the Act on the regulation of labour contracting.
Amended text(s)
1995-02-06 (DEU-1995-L-41049)
Act to combat illegal labour.
Amended text(s)
1988-12-20 (DEU-1988-L-43202)
Social Code - Book V - Statutory Health Insurance
Amended text(s)
1996-07-23 (DEU-1996-L-44855)
Act to promote a smooth transition into retirement.
Amended text(s)
1996-08-07 (DEU-1996-L-44880)
Labour Protection Act (ArbSchG)(BGBl. IS. 1246).
Amending Text region
Amending text(s)
1997-12-16 (DEU-1997-L-48394)
First Act to amend the Third Book of the Social Code and other laws (1. SGB III-ÄndG).
Amending text(s)
1999-12-22 (DEU-1999-L-57171)
Third Law amending the Third Book of the Social Law (Drittes SGB III-Änderungsgesetz-3.SGB III-ÄndG).
Amending text(s)
1999-07-21 (DEU-1999-L-57692)
Second Act amending the Third Book of the Social Code and other laws (Zweites SGB III-Änderungsgesetz - 2. SGB III-ÄndG).
Amending text(s)
2001-06-26 (DEU-2001-L-60648)
Act on the reform of compulsory old age pension and on promoting financial coverage of old age pension (AVmG).
Amending text(s)
2004-11-19 (DEU-2004-L-76844)
Fourth Law amending the Third Book of the Social Code and Other Laws
Amending text(s)
2005-12-22 (DEU-2005-L-77189)
Fifth law to amend the third book of the Social Code and other laws.
Amending text(s)
2001-12-10 (DEU-2001-L-83812)
Act to reform Labour Market Instruments (Job-AQTIV Act).
Amending text(s)
2007-04-14 (DEU-2007-L-84399)
Act to Improve Employment Opportunities For Older Workers.
Amending text(s)
2007-06-19 (DEU-2007-L-86650)
Act amending the civil service regulations in the Federal Employment Agency.
Amending text(s)
2007-12-10 (DEU-2007-L-86665)
Act to promote an additional pension scheme and to amend the Social Code (Book III)
Amending text(s)
2008-12-21 (DEU-2008-L-86718)
Act on the reinforcement of labour market policy instruments.
Amending text(s)
2008-12-21 (DEU-2008-L-86719)
Act to improve conditions for the protection of flexible working time arrangements and to amend some other laws.
Amending text(s)
2008-12-20 (DEU-2008-L-86729)
Act concerning adequate control of the labour market with respect to highly skilled professional immigrants and amending further legal residency Regulations (Labour Migration Control Law).
Amending text(s)
2010-08-03 (DEU-2010-L-86838)
Act to further develop the basic allowance for job seekers.
Amending text(s)
2010-10-24 (DEU-2010-L-87019)
Act concerning better employment opportunities in the labour market (Employment Opportunity Act).
Amending text(s)
2010-12-22 (DEU-2010-L-87026)
Act concerning sustainable and socially equitable financing of Social Security (Social Security Financing Act)
Amending text(s)
2011-12-06 (DEU-2011-L-89666)
Act on Family Care Leave.
Amending text(s)
2013-03-13 (DEU-2013-L-95545)
Act to strengthen vocational education and training of the elderly.
Amending text(s)
2014-07-21 (DEU-2014-L-98463)
Act to further improve the financial structure and quality of the statutory health insurance.
Amending text(s)
2014-12-23 (DEU-2014-L-98561)
Act to Improve Compatibility between Family, Care and Work.
Amending text(s)
2015-12-21 (DEU-2015-L-101623)
Second Act to strengthen nursing Supply and amending other provisions (Second Care Support Act - PSG II).
Amending text(s)
2015-12-21 (DEU-2015-L-101624)
Act to amend the Social Code - Book XII and some other Acts.
Amending text(s)
2016-07-26 (DEU-2016-L-103999)
Ninth Act to amend Social Code Book II - Legal simplification - and temporary suspension of the application for insolvency.
Amending text(s)
2016-07-31 (DEU-2016-L-104000)
Integration Act.
Amending text(s)
2016-11-11 (DEU-2016-L-104016)
Sixth Act to amend the Fourth Book of Social Code and some other Acts
Amending text(s)
2016-12-08 (DEU-2016-L-104021)
Act on the flexibilisation of transition from working life into retirement, and the strengthening of prevention and rehabilitation in working life.
Amending text(s)
2016-12-23 (DEU-2016-L-104028)
Act to strengthen the Participation and Self-Determination of Persons with Disabilities (Federal Act on Participation).
Amending text(s)
2017-06-30 (DEU-2017-L-106044)
Act promoting remuneration transparency between women and Men (Transparency of Remuneration Act).
Amending text(s)
2017-07-17 (DEU-2017-L-106063)
Act on the termination of pensions adjustment (Pensions Adjustment Termination Act).
Amending text(s)
2018-07-10 (DEU-2018-L-109081)
Act to extend fixed provisions in the Employment Promotion Act; and to implement the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (BGBl I 25/2018)
Amending text(s)
2018-11-28 (DEU-2018-L-109084)
Act on service improvement and stabilisation in the statutory pension insurance (BGBl I 40/2018)
Amending text(s)
2018-12-17 (DEU-2018-L-109094)
Tenth Act to amend the Second Book of Social Code - Creating new opportunities for long-term unemployed to participate in the general and social labour market (Participation Opportunity Act) (BGBl I 47/2018)
Amending text(s)
2018-12-18 (DEU-2018-L-109095)
Act to improve the qualifications prospects and to establish more protection in unemployment insurance (Qualification Prospects Act) (BGBl I 48/2018)
Electronic region
Electronic source title
Act on-line in German
Gesetze im Internet
Ministry of Justice - Bundesministerium der Justiz
DEU46596.pdf (PDF of Book as amended to April 2011)
Monograph region
Monograph title
Consolidated text available
Ministry of Labour and Social Order
Place of publication
Page range
272 p.
Serial region
Serial title
Bundesgesetzblatt, Part I
No. 20
Page range
pp. 594-721