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Act to amend the statutory social security (Rentenreformgesetz (RRG) 1999).
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Old-age, invalidity and survivors benefit
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Second Region
Amends numerous social security laws to reform the social security system. Inter alia, introduces a new demographic factor for the calculation of social security benefits so as to take into account longer life expectancies and age distribution in the population. Revises the system of social security benefits in cases of unemployment or reduced income. Establishes a tiered benefits system which entitles persons who work less than 3 hours a day to full reduced-income benefits; to those who work under 6 hours, half of such benefits; and no benefits for those who work over 6 hours a day. Benefits shall be calculated according to inability to work in general, as opposed to the previously operating principle of "inability to exercise a [chosen] profession." Increases the age of entitlement to full benefits for women to 63 years (although reduced benefits shall still be available at age 60), and increases the amount of benefit for child-rearing. Finally, amends the obligations of enterprises to adjust their pension funds to increases in the annual cost of living.
Entry dates region
Date of entry into force
With numerous exceptions.
Amended Text region
Amended text(s)
1975-12-11 (DEU-1975-L-14378)
Social Code - Book I - General Part.
Amended text(s)
1974-12-19 (DEU-1974-L-15040)
An Act to improve works old-age pension coverage.
Amended text(s)
1974-12-19 (DEU-1974-L-15040)
An Act to improve works old-age pension coverage.
Amended text(s)
1994-07-29 (DEU-1994-L-41158)
Federal Act on Old-age insurance for Farmers
Amended text(s)
1994-07-29 (DEU-1994-L-41158)
Federal Act on Old-age insurance for Farmers
Amended text(s)
1976-12-23 (DEU-1976-L-77191)
Social Code - Book IV - General Rules for Social Security
Serial region
Serial title
Bundesgesetzblatt, Part I
No. 85
Page range
pp. 2998-3038