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Act (1993:387) respecting subsidies and services to certain disabled persons.

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Disabled workers
Law, Act

Second Region

Lag (1993:387) om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade.
The consolidation of the Act includes a total of 36 amending texts through January 2019 (up to Act 2018:1155). The consolidated text includes various amendments.

Provides for regulations regarding assistance for special support and special services for beneficiaries as defined in list of disabilities.

Contains 30 articles and 19 sections concerning, inter alia:

Section 1: Preliminary provisions.
Section 2: Objectives and general orientation.
Section 3: Right to services.
Section 4: Special subsidies and special services.
Section 5: Specific tasks for the municipality.
Section 6: Common provisions on the responsibility of the county council and municipalities.
Section 7: Fees.
Section 8: Documentation and sorting out.
Section 9: Committees.
Section 10: Authorization and notification.
Section 11: Individual activities.
Section 12: Reporting and remedying of misconduct.
Section 13: Supervision.
Section 14: Appeals.
Section 15: Penalty.
Section 16: Special fee.
Section 17: Reporting obligation.
Section 18: Confidentiality.
Section 19: Prohibition of transformation.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Amending Text region

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