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Act No. 1767/1988 on works councils and other provisions in the field of labour law, and ratifying ILO Convention No. 135 [LS 1988 - Gr. 1].
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Freedom of association, collective bargaining and industrial relations
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Second Region
People working in an enterprise employing 20 employees or more in which there is no trade union organisation, and in an enterprise employing 50 employees or more where there is such an organisation, have the right to elect and form works councils to represent them in their dealings with the enterprise (ss. 1 and 2). The Act governs the constitution, operation, election and functioning of works councils and defines their relationship to trade unions (s. 12). Members of works councils enjoy the same protection afforded to trade union officers (s. 9). The employer must keep the works council abreast of specified matters affecting the employees (s. 13). If no trade union is present, the works council may negotiate with the employer in the event of group dismissals and in cases provided for by law (s. 14). The Act also provides for penalties (s. 17). It does not apply to seafarers or to employees of state-run enterprises. Ch. II reproduces the text of the Workers' Representatives Convention, 1971 (No. 135), which is ratified and given force of law by this Act.
Amending Text region
Amending text(s)
2003-05-08 (GRC-2003-L-65468)
Loi n° 3144 du 8 mai 2003 concernant le dialogue social pour la promotion de l'emploi et de la protection sociale et autres dispositions.
Amending text(s)
2003-05-08 (GRC-2003-L-65468)
Loi n° 3144 du 8 mai 2003 concernant le dialogue social pour la promotion de l'emploi et de la protection sociale et autres dispositions.
Serial region
Serial title
Unofficial English translation, printed separately
Page range
11 p.