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Labour (Special Places of Employment) Notification (G.N. 74/55) (S 5/56)

Main Region

First Region

Brunei Darussalam
Conditions of employment
Miscellaneous (circular, directive, legal notice, instruction, etc.)

Second Region

Implements sections 58 to 63 and 67 to 69 of the Labour Act stating that these sections are to apply to industrial undertakings where an average number of not less than 25 workers are employed per day. Section 59 of the Act is to apply to all places of employment in which any manual workers (other than a domestic servant) is employed.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Basic Text region

Repealing Text region

Electronic region

Monograph region

    Monograph title
    Laws of Brunei (Labour Cap. 93).
    2002 Edition
    B.L.R.O. 2/2002