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Social Code - Book II - Basic Security for Jobseekers.
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Social security (general standards)
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Second Region
Original title
Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) Zweites Buch (II) - Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende
Determines the conditions to be met to obtain unemployment benefits and to obtain aid for integration into the labour market.
Entry dates region
Date of entry into force
Implementing Text region
Implementing text(s)
2004-10-20 (DEU-2004-R-76848)
Decree on the calculation of income as well as on the second category of unemployment benefits and social benefits, for which income and fortune are not to be taken into consideration.
Implementing text(s)
2004-11-23 (DEU-2004-R-76989)
Decree setting the basic principles for the work of the arbitration committees provided for by the Second Book of the Social Code
Implementing text(s)
2004-11-22 (DEU-2004-R-77101)
Ordinance on the work permit of new immigrants.
Implementing text(s)
2005-08-22 (DEU-2005-R-77187)
First decree to amend the decree on the calculation of income as well as on the second category of unemployment benefits and social benefits, for which income and fortune are not to be taken into consideration.
Implementing text(s)
2006-12-15 (DEU-2006-R-77263)
Decree on other and completing measures on the distribution of the means for support schemes to help enter into work and the administrative costs of the basic insurance for unemployed in 2007.
Implementing text(s)
2006-12-21 (DEU-2006-R-77264)
Decree on the new order in the regulations on the determination of the benefits given by the employer as work remuneration
Implementing text(s)
2006-12-20 (DEU-2006-R-77265)
First ordinance on the refund of expenses of training placement agencies.
Implementing text(s)
2010-08-12 (DEU-2010-R-86917)
Regulation on the procedure for aptitude determination of local bodies responsible for the basic security of jobseekers (Local Carrier Aptitude Regulation)
Implementing text(s)
2010-09-29 (DEU-2010-R-87018)
Regulation on the collection of migrant background characteristics (Migration background collection Regulation)
Implementing text(s)
2007-12-17 (DEU-2007-R-89679)
Regulation concerning the calculation of income for the requirements of the unemployment benefit II / social allowance (Unemployment benefit II / social allowance Regulation - Alg II-V).
Implementing text(s)
2011-06-21 (DEU-2011-R-89680)
Fifth Regulation to amend Unemployment benefit II / Social allowance Regulation (Alg II-V)
Implementing text(s)
2011-12-19 (DEU-2011-R-89681)
Sixth Regulation to amend Unemployment Benefit II / Social Allowance Regulation (Alg II-V)
Implementing text(s)
2016-12-22 (DEU-2016-L-104026)
Act on the determination of rule requirements according to § 28 of the Twelfth Book of Social Code.
Implementing text(s)
2016-07-26 (DEU-2016-R-104042)
Seventh Regulation to amend the Regulation concerning the calculation of income for the requirements of the unemployment benefit II / social allowance (Unemployment benefit II/social allowance Regulation)
Amending Text region
Amending text(s)
2004-07-23 (DEU-2004-L-76926)
Act to intensify measures against illegal employment and tax evasion connected with illegal employment (Act to Combat Clandestine Employment).
Amending text(s)
2006-03-24 (DEU-2006-L-77196)
Act amending the Second book of the Social Code
Amending text(s)
2007-04-14 (DEU-2007-L-84399)
Act to Improve Employment Opportunities For Older Workers.
Amending text(s)
2007-06-19 (DEU-2007-L-86650)
Act amending the civil service regulations in the Federal Employment Agency.
Amending text(s)
2008-12-21 (DEU-2008-L-86718)
Act on the reinforcement of labour market policy instruments.
Amending text(s)
2010-08-03 (DEU-2010-L-86838)
Act to further develop the basic allowance for job seekers.
Amending text(s)
2010-10-24 (DEU-2010-L-87019)
Act concerning better employment opportunities in the labour market (Employment Opportunity Act).
Amending text(s)
2010-12-22 (DEU-2010-L-87026)
Act concerning sustainable and socially equitable financing of Social Security (Social Security Financing Act)
Amending text(s)
2013-03-13 (DEU-2013-L-95545)
Act to strengthen vocational education and training of the elderly.
Amending text(s)
2013-03-21 (DEU-2013-L-95547)
Act to promote volunteering (Volunteering Support Act).
Amending text(s)
2013-05-07 (DEU-2013-L-95548)
Act to amend the Second Book of the Social Code and some other acts.
Amending text(s)
2014-07-21 (DEU-2014-L-98463)
Act to further improve the financial structure and quality of the statutory health insurance.
Amending text(s)
2014-07-28 (DEU-2014-L-98466)
Eighth Act to amend the Social Code - Book II - Supplementary personal statutory provisions
Amending text(s)
2014-12-02 (DEU-2014-L-98555)
Act to amend the Freedom of Movement for EU Citizens Act and some other Acts.
Amending text(s)
2015-04-15 (DEU-2015-L-101568)
Fifth Law to amend Social Code - Book IV and other Laws (5. SGB IV-AndG).
Amending text(s)
2016-07-26 (DEU-2016-L-103999)
Ninth Act to amend Social Code Book II - Legal simplification - and temporary suspension of the application for insolvency.
Amending text(s)
2016-07-31 (DEU-2016-L-104000)
Integration Act.
Amending text(s)
2016-12-22 (DEU-2016-L-104024)
Act to regulate the claims of foreign persons, basic security benefits for jobseekers according to the Second Book of Social Code, and in social welfare according to the Twelfth Book of Social Code
Amending text(s)
2016-12-23 (DEU-2016-L-104028)
Act to strengthen the Participation and Self-Determination of Persons with Disabilities (Federal Act on Participation).
Amending text(s)
2018-12-17 (DEU-2018-L-109094)
Tenth Act to amend the Second Book of Social Code - Creating new opportunities for long-term unemployed to participate in the general and social labour market (Participation Opportunity Act) (BGBl I 47/2018)
Amending text(s)
2018-12-18 (DEU-2018-L-109095)
Act to improve the qualifications prospects and to establish more protection in unemployment insurance (Qualification Prospects Act) (BGBl I 48/2018)
Electronic region
Electronic source title
Laws and Decrees
Bundesministerium für Justiz (Ministry of Justice)
DEU76851.pdf (PDF of Book as amended to April 2011)