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Order of the Minister of Justice to publish in the Staatsblad the text of the Social Security Organisation Act (No. 344 of 1952) as last amended by Act No. 655 of 28 December 1988.
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Administration and financing
Adopted on (Date of text)
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Implementing Text region
Implementing text(s)
1992-05-21 (NLD-1992-L-29654)
Act of21 May 1992 to amend the General Assistance Act, the Act on the provision of Income for Elderly and Partially disabled Unemployed Workers, the Act on the Provision of Income for Elderly and Partially Disabled formerly Self-Employed Persons and the Foreigners' Act as regard to exchange of data (introduction of a social/fiscal number in local governments). (Stb. 1992, 244)
Implementing text(s)
1992-05-21 (NLD-1992-L-29654)
Act of21 May 1992 to amend the General Assistance Act, the Act on the provision of Income for Elderly and Partially disabled Unemployed Workers, the Act on the Provision of Income for Elderly and Partially Disabled formerly Self-Employed Persons and the Foreigners' Act as regard to exchange of data (introduction of a social/fiscal number in local governments). (Stb. 1992, 244)
Amending Text region
Amending text(s)
1992-02-26 (NLD-1992-L-29633)
Act of 26 February 1992 to amend the Sickness Act, the Disability Insurance Act, the General Disability Act, the Civil Code and some other laws and regulations for the Government personnel in connection with measures to reduce sickness absenteism, to limit long-term disability and to promote disabled persons' chances to find employment (reduction of the number of disabled persons). (Stb. 1992, 82)
Amending text(s)
1992-02-26 (NLD-1992-L-29633)
Act of 26 February 1992 to amend the Sickness Act, the Disability Insurance Act, the General Disability Act, the Civil Code and some other laws and regulations for the Government personnel in connection with measures to reduce sickness absenteism, to limit long-term disability and to promote disabled persons' chances to find employment (reduction of the number of disabled persons). (Stb. 1992, 82)
Related Text region
Related text(s)
1991-11-20 (NLD-1991-R-29514)
Decree of 20 November 1991 to lay down the type, content and extent of the care to which people are entitled according to the General Act on Special Sickness Costs Insurance which designates the forms of care for which a specific personal risk is permissible, lays down rules concerning the contribution of the insured to the cost of care for which a specific personal risk is permissible. (Stb. 1991, 590)
Related text(s)
1991-11-20 (NLD-1991-R-29514)
Decree of 20 November 1991 to lay down the type, content and extent of the care to which people are entitled according to the General Act on Special Sickness Costs Insurance which designates the forms of care for which a specific personal risk is permissible, lays down rules concerning the contribution of the insured to the cost of care for which a specific personal risk is permissible. (Stb. 1991, 590)
Serial region
Serial title
No. 119
Page range
p. 30