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Act (No. 12 of 2010) amending the Working Environment Act (No. 62 of 2005), the Gender Equality Act (No. 45 of 1978), the Anti-Discrimination Ombudsman Act (No. 40 of 2005) and the Anti-Discrimination and Accessibility Act (No. 42 of 2008).

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Law, Act

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Lov (Nr 12 av 2010) om endringer i arbeidsmiljøloven, likestillingsloven, diskrimineringsombudsloven og diskriminerings- og tilgjengelighetsloven.
Repeals article 13 (3). p.3 whereas the present p.4 becomes p.3; introduces a new p.3 to article 13 (4) ss.1 (Gender Equality Act article 4 (3)); amends article 13 (4) ss.2 p. 2 (information about the applicant's marital status) the Working Environment Act (No. 62 of 2005).

Amends article 2 (1) (application of the Act), article 3 (2) p.1 (regulations concerning leave due to pregnancy or childbirth), introduces a new p.2 to article 3 (2) (questions about pregnancy, adoption or family in the hiring process is considered discrimination) and a new (5) to article 3 (gender discrimination in religious communities) whereas the present article 3 (5-7) becomes new (6-8); introduces a new (3) to article 4 (prohibition against questions concerning pregnancy, adoption or family planning during hiring process) whereas the present article 4 (3) becomes a new (4) in the Gender Equality Act (No. 45 of 1978).

Amends article 1 (2) (Working Environment Act, No. 62 of 2005) and article 3 (1) p.1 and p.2 (responsibility of the Ombudsman) in the the Anti-Discrimination Ombudsman Act (No. 40 of 2005).

Amends article 9 (2) (definition of universal design for public access) in the Anti-Discrimination and Accessibility Act (No. 42 of 2008).

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    Date of entry into force

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