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Law No. 4009 of 2011 concerning the Structure, Function, and Quality of Studies, and the Internationalization of Higher Educational Institutions
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Education, vocational guidance and training
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Second Region
CHAPTER A - General Principles
1: Legal form of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI). 2: Definitions. Article 3: Academic freedom. Article 4: Mission of the HEI.
CHAPTER B - Legal Framework of HEI self-governance
5: Organization. 6: Internal Regulation.
CHAPTER C - HEI Structure
7: Schools.
CHAPTER D - Organs of HEI and their units
8: Organs of the Institution. 9: School organs. 10: Department organs. 11: Organs of graduate schools. 12: Organs of lifelong learning schools. 13: Other organs and special structure issues.
CHAPTER E - Evaluation - Transparency
14: Unit for assuring quality. 15: Publication - Transparency.
CHAPTER F - HEI Personnel
16: Professors. 17: Qualifications of the elected professors. 18: Election, evolution. 19: Election committees and evolution of professors. 20: Appointment. 21: Evaluation of Professors. 22: Appraisals and facilitations. 23: Listing of professors. 24: Conflict of interest - Suspension of duties. 25: Remuneration of Professors. 26: Parallel employment of professors in foreign and Greek HEI. 27: Scientific and other leaves. 28: Secretariat - Administrative personnel. 29: Special categories of teaching and scientific personnel.
CHAPTER G - Studies
30: Stucture of studies. 31: Teaching. 32: Program of studies. 33: Schedule of studies - Examinations. 34: First cycle regulations. 35: Studies councilors. 36: Student issues. 37: Books. 38: Program of Graduate Studies. 39: Doctoral studies. 40: Cooperation between HEIs. 41: Cooperation between Greek HEIs and foreign ones. 42: Cooperation between HEIs and research centers. 43: Lifelong learning program. 44: Studies in a foreign language. 45: Certification and financing of Studies. 46: National framework of higher education skills. 47: Nominated chairs. 48: Libraries - Association of Hellenic Academic Libraries.
CHAPTER H - Student issues
49: Student identity - Student Associations. 50: Student Councils. 51: Office of studies support. 52: Other support services. 53: Student Healthcare. 54: Scholarships and student loans. 55: Student ombudsman.
CHAPTER I - HEI Finances
56: HEI Funds. 57: Economic management. 58: Legal persons for financial management. 59: Funds of the N.P.I.D. 60: Office of innovation and of liaising. 61: National strategy of higher education. 62: Agreements on program planning. 63: Allocation of public financing for HEIs.
CHAPTER J - Securing and Certifying the Quality of Higher Education
64: The Authority. 65: Mission. 66: Competences for certifying quality. 67: Council of the Authority. 68: Competences of the Council President. 69: Scientific and administrative service. 70: Certification of quality. 71: Decisions on certification. 72: Certification Criteria. 73: Competences for the national strategy on higher education and the financing of the HEIs. 74: Evaluation and fincancing of the Authority.
CHAPTER K - Transitional Provisions
76: Election of primary organs of the HEIs - Schools' Establishment. 77: Members of Teaching Staff. 78: Members of Scientific Staff. 79: Other categories of personnel. 80: Other transitional provisions. 81: Repealed provisions. 82: Entry into force.
Entry dates region
Date of entry into force
Amending Text region
Amending text(s)
2013-01-30 (GRC-2013-L-100402)
Law N° 4115/2013 providing for the Organisation and Function of the Institute of Youth and Lifelong Learning and of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Career Guidance, and other provisions.
Amending text(s)
2015-05-14 (GRC-2015-L-102259)
Law N° 4327 of 2015 enacting emergency measures for the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education and other provisions.
Repealed Text region
Repealed text(s)
2010-05-17 (GRC-2010-L-89630)
Law No. 3848 of 2010 upgrading the role of teacher - establishing rules of evaluation and meritocracy in education
Related Text region
Related text(s)
2014-01-07 (GRC-2014-L-100563)
Law N° 4225/2014 on the upgrading and improvement of collection mechanisms of the Insurance Agencies, on fines for non-insured and non-declared employment and other provisions falling upon the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare.
Related text(s)
2015-12-16 (GRC-2015-L-102308)
Law N° 4354 of 2015 introducing, amongst other, wage adjustments and other emergency provisions for the purposes of implementing the Budgetary Objectives and Structural Reform Agreement.
Serial region
Serial title
Efimeris tis Kivernisseos
Part A
No. 195
Page range
pp. 4255-4300
F-650197778/2011-195.pdf (Text in Greek)