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Labour Standards Law (Law No. 49 of 7 April 1947).
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Labour codes, general labour and employment acts
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Second Region
Original title
Chapter 1: General Provisions Chapter 2: Labour Contract Chapter 3: Wages Chapter 4: Working Hours, Rest Periods, Rest Days and Annual Leave with Pay Chapter 5: Safety and Health Chapter 6: Minors Chapter 6-2: Women Chapter 7: Training of Skilled Labourers Chapter 8: Accident Compensation Chapter 9: Rules of Employment Chapter 10: Dormitories Chapter 11: Inspection Bodies Chapter 12: Miscellaneous Provisions Chapter 13: Penal Provisions The text of the original Act was published in the Legislative Series: LS 1947 - Jap. 3.
Implementing Text region
Implementing text(s)
1986-01-27 (JPN-1986-R-2353)
Ordinance concerning Labour Standards for Women made under the Labour Standards Law (Ministry of Labour Ordinance No. 3 of 1986).
Implementing text(s)
1987-12-11 (JPN-1987-R-4699)
Cabinet Order concerning temporary measures with respect to working hours in section 32, paragraph 1 of the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 397
Implementing text(s)
1987-12-11 (JPN-1987-R-4699)
Cabinet Order concerning temporary measures with respect to working hours in section 32, paragraph 1 of the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 397
Implementing text(s)
1987-12-16 (JPN-1987-R-6230)
Ordinance of the Ministry of Labour amending Ordinance No. 23 of 1947 of the Ministry of Health and Welfare made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 31.
Implementing text(s)
1987-12-16 (JPN-1987-R-6230)
Ordinance of the Ministry of Labour amending Ordinance No. 23 of 1947 of the Ministry of Health and Welfare made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 31.
Implementing text(s)
1988-03-17 (JPN-1988-R-6741)
Ordinance of the Ministry of Labour amending Ordinance of the Ministry of Health and Welfare No. 23 of 1947, made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 3.
Implementing text(s)
1988-03-17 (JPN-1988-R-6741)
Ordinance of the Ministry of Labour amending Ordinance of the Ministry of Health and Welfare No. 23 of 1947, made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 3.
Implementing text(s)
1994-12-11 (JPN-1994-R-27222)
Cabinet Order concerning provisional measures relating to working hours made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947] [Cabinet Order No. 397 as amended through Cabinet Order No. 2 of 4 January 1994].
Implementing text(s)
1994-12-11 (JPN-1994-R-27222)
Cabinet Order concerning provisional measures relating to working hours made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947] [Cabinet Order No. 397 as amended through Cabinet Order No. 2 of 4 January 1994].
Implementing text(s)
1990-12-18 (JPN-1990-R-28039)
Cabinet Order amending Cabinet Order No. 397 of 1987 made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 357.
Implementing text(s)
1990-12-18 (JPN-1990-R-28039)
Cabinet Order amending Cabinet Order No. 397 of 1987 made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 357.
Implementing text(s)
1990-12-18 (JPN-1990-R-28041)
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 23 of 1947 of the Ministry of Labour made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 29.
Implementing text(s)
1990-12-18 (JPN-1990-R-28041)
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 23 of 1947 of the Ministry of Labour made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 29.
Implementing text(s)
1994-03-11 (JPN-1994-R-38233)
Ordinance of the Ministry of Labour amending Regulations on Labour Standards for Women No. 3 of 1986, made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 8.
Implementing text(s)
1994-01-04 (JPN-1994-R-45792)
Cabinet Order Stipulating the Minimum Rate of Increased Wages for Overtime Work or Work on Rest Days under Paragraph 1 of Article 37 of the Labour Standards Law (Cabinet Order No. 5 of 4 Januray 1994).
Implementing text(s)
1994-01-04 (JPN-1994-R-45792)
Cabinet Order Stipulating the Minimum Rate of Increased Wages for Overtime Work or Work on Rest Days under Paragraph 1 of Article 37 of the Labour Standards Law (Cabinet Order No. 5 of 4 Januray 1994).
Implementing text(s)
1997-02-14 (JPN-1997-R-46960)
Ordinance of the Ministry of Labour amending Ordinance No. 23 of 1947 made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947] No. 4.
Implementing text(s)
1997-02-14 (JPN-1997-R-46960)
Ordinance of the Ministry of Labour amending Ordinance No. 23 of 1947 made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947] No. 4.
Implementing text(s)
2003-10-22 (JPN-2003-R-66275)
Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Amending a Part of the Implementation Rules of the Labour Standards Law as well as the Promotion of Reduction of Working Hours Law (Ordinance No. 163 of 2003).
Implementing text(s)
2003-10-22 (JPN-2003-M-66278)
Notice by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare concerning the criteria set by the Minister in accordance with article 14 of the Labour Standards Law (Notice No. 356 of 2003).
Implementing text(s)
1947-08-30 (JPN-1947-R-85820)
Ordinance implementing the Labour Standards Law (Ordinance of the Ministry of Health and Welfare No. 23 of August 30, 1947).
Implementing text(s)
2016-01-14 (JPN-2016-R-102974)
Cabinet Order establishing the provisions of the Law on Labour under Article 11 of the Law on Promotion of Employment of Youth (Cabinet Order No. 4 of 14 January 2016).
Implementing text(s)
2015-03-18 (JPN-2015-R-102979)
Enforcement Order implementing article 5 of the Special Measures of Fixed-Term Employees with Expert Knowledge Law (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Order No. 36 of 18 March 2015).
Amending Text region
Amending text(s)
1987-09-26 (JPN-1987-L-4186)
Law amending the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 99.
Amending text(s)
1987-09-26 (JPN-1987-L-4186)
Law amending the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 99.
Amending text(s)
1993-07-02 (JPN-1993-L-33405)
Temporary Measures Law on the Promotion of the Reduction of Working Hours [Law No. 90 of 1992]
Amending text(s)
1993-07-02 (JPN-1993-L-33405)
Temporary Measures Law on the Promotion of the Reduction of Working Hours [Law No. 90 of 1992]
Amending text(s)
1993-07-01 (JPN-1993-L-36578)
Law (No. 79) amending the Labour Standards Law (Law No. 49 of 1947) and the Temporary Measures Law for the Promotion of Reduction of Working Hours (Law No. 90 of 1992)
Amending text(s)
1993-07-01 (JPN-1993-L-36578)
Law (No. 79) amending the Labour Standards Law (Law No. 49 of 1947) and the Temporary Measures Law for the Promotion of Reduction of Working Hours (Law No. 90 of 1992)
Amending text(s)
1993-03-26 (JPN-1993-R-36579)
Cabinet Order (No. 63) amending the Cabinet Order (No. 397 of 1987) respecting provisional measures relating to working hours, etc. under paragraph 1 of Article 32 of the Labour Standards Law (Law No. 49 of 1947)
Amending text(s)
1993-03-26 (JPN-1993-R-36579)
Cabinet Order (No. 63) amending the Cabinet Order (No. 397 of 1987) respecting provisional measures relating to working hours, etc. under paragraph 1 of Article 32 of the Labour Standards Law (Law No. 49 of 1947)
Amending text(s)
1997-06-18 (JPN-1997-L-48529)
Law amending several Laws to guarantee equal opportunity and treatment between men and women in employment. (1997, No. 92).
Amending text(s)
1997-06-06 (JPN-1997-L-48530)
Law amending the Commercial Code [Law No. 48 of 1899]. No. 71.
Amending text(s)
1998-09-30 (JPN-1998-L-51494)
Law to amend the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947] No. 112.
Amending text(s)
1998-09-30 (JPN-1998-L-51494)
Law to amend the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947] No. 112.
Amending text(s)
2006-06-21 (JPN-2006-L-73976)
Law Amending a Part of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law and the Labour Standards Law (Law No.82 of 2006).
Amending text(s)
2007-12-05 (JPN-2007-L-79056)
Labour Contracts Law, 2007 (Law No. 128 of 2007).
Electronic region
Electronic source title
English translation
Japanese Law Translation, Government of Japan
Place of publication
JPN27776 Eng.pdf (PDF of Act in English as amended to Act No. 71 of 2018)
Monograph region
Monograph title
Labour Laws of Japan
Ministry of Labour
Institute of Labour Administration
Place of publication
7th ed.
Page range
pp. 71-110
Monograph title
Labour Standards Law
The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
Place of publication