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Ordinance of the Ministry of Labour amending Ordinance No. 23 of 1947 of the Ministry of Health and Welfare made under the Labour Standards Law [Law No. 49 of 1947]. No. 31.
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Conditions of work
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance
Second Region
Provides that when an employer employs workers under the irregular working hours system under ss. 32-2 to 32-4 of the Act or under the irregular rest days system under s. 35(2) it must designate in the work rules or a written agreement the date on which the cycle starts. To introduce flexible working hours, the employer and the workers must first agree upon normal daily working hours, core periods, if any, and flexible periods. If the irregular working hours system in a period of three months is implemented under s. 32-4 of the Act, the maximum working hours shall be 10 per day and 52 per week. At least one day of rest shall be given to the worker per week. For the irregular working hours system in a period of one week under s. 32-5 of the Act, the covered enterprises shall be retail trade establishments, hotels, restaurants and snack bars in which less than 30 workers are regularly employed. When an employer introduces an irregular working system in a period of one month, three months or one week an attempt shall be made to enable the workers who take care of children, the elderly, etc. or who are pursuing vocational training or education to have the necessary time off. The Ordinance also governs the proportional granting of annual holidays with pay to employees who work fewer days than ordinary employees. It also provides that among the enterprises listed in items 8, 10 (except motion picture production), 13 and 14 of s. 8 of the Act, the employer who regularly employs fewer than 10 workers may have them work for up to 48 hours per week and 8 hours per day, with the option of flexible working hours. Among the enterprises listed in items 8, 10 (except motion picture production), 13 and 14 of s. 8 of the Act, an employer who regularly employs fewer than five workers may have them work for up to 54 hours per week and 9 hours per day until 31 Mar. 1991. Special provisions cover fire defence personnel and regular firefighters.
Basic Text region
Basic text(s)
1947-04-07 (JPN-1947-L-27776)
Labour Standards Law (Law No. 49 of 7 April 1947).
Basic text(s)
1947-04-07 (JPN-1947-L-27776)
Labour Standards Law (Law No. 49 of 7 April 1947).
Serial region
Serial title
Kampoo Extraordinary
No. 156
Page range
pp. 1-5