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Federal Act to ensure firms' provision of pension benefit (Company Pension Act), (BGBl. 1990/282). Text No. 52g.
Main Region
First Region
Subjects (Classification)
Old-age, invalidity and survivors benefit
Adopted on (Date of text)
Scope of text
Type of legislation (Type of text)
Law, Act
Second Region
Original title
Betriebspensionsgesetz (BPG)
Ensures benefits and rights supplements which are promised to employees in an employment relationship by an employer. This supplement is paid by the employer to augment the legal pension insurance and is known as an extra provision to the old-age, invalidity, and surviving relatives pension fund. Consolidated text.
Amending Text region
Amending text(s)
1996-12-30 (AUT-1996-L-46032)
Act amending the Federal Act to ensure firms' provision of pension benefit, the Labour Contract Conformity Act, the Insolvency (Guarantee of Remuneration) Act, the Act on annual leave and dispatching of construction workers, and the Works Constitution Act. [Text No. 754]
Amending text(s)
1996-12-30 (AUT-1996-L-46032)
Act amending the Federal Act to ensure firms' provision of pension benefit, the Labour Contract Conformity Act, the Insolvency (Guarantee of Remuneration) Act, the Act on annual leave and dispatching of construction workers, and the Works Constitution Act. [Text No. 754]
Amending text(s)
1997-12-29 (AUT-1997-L-49577)
Act amending Labour and Social Law 1997 (ASRÄG 1997). No. 139.
Amending text(s)
1997-12-29 (AUT-1997-L-49577)
Act amending Labour and Social Law 1997 (ASRÄG 1997). No. 139.
Amending text(s)
2002-03-19 (AUT-2002-L-61305)
Federal Act amending the Act to ensure firms' provision of pension benefit (BPG) (No. 51 of 2002).
Amending text(s)
2002-03-19 (AUT-2002-L-61305)
Federal Act amending the Act to ensure firms' provision of pension benefit (BPG) (No. 51 of 2002).
Amending text(s)
2013-04-17 (AUT-2013-L-95875)
Federal Act to amend: the Employment Contract Law Harmonization Act, the Company Employee Pension Act (BMVG), the Agricultural Employment Act 1984, the Unemployment Insurance Act 1977, the Federal Labour Market Service Act, the Labour Market Policy Financing Act, the General Social Security Act, Act on the Labour Constitution and freedom of association, and the Company Pension Act (Social Law Amendment Act 2013 - SRÄG 2013)
Amending text(s)
2013-07-30 (AUT-2013-L-95935)
Federal Act to amend: Employment Contract Law Harmonization Act, Corporate Staff and Self-Employment Provision Act, Federal Act to ensure firms' provision of pension benefit, Agricultural Employment Act, Federal Care Allowance Act, Maternity Protection Act 1979, Fathers Leave Act, Unemployment Insurance Act 1977, Federal Labour Market Service Act, General Social Security Act, General Pensions Act, General Pension Act, Federal Act concerning the employment of children and young persons, Federal Social Services Act, Family charges Equalisation Act 1967 (Labour Law Amendment Act)
Amending text(s)
2015-12-28 (AUT-2015-L-101917)
Labour Law amendment Act (BGBl. I Nr. 152/2015)
Amending text(s)
2018-08-14 (AUT-2018-L-109148)
Federal Act to amend: General Social Security Act; Public Servants' Sickness and Accident Insurance Act; Employment Contract Law Harmonization Act; and Company Pension Act (BGBl I 54/2018)
Monograph region
Monograph title
Dittrich, Veit, Tades
Manz Verlag
Place of publication